Friday, June 18, 2010

Remembrance of the Daleks

Back to Seven and Ace. I like her haircut. Well, not a haircut, but a french braid all the way along her head, looks a little like a mohawk from certain angles. She's so cool. It's a little bit of a shame she's with the most polite and intellectually curious and engaged Doctor. They're not a perfect match. But it is funny. And Ace keeps meeting cool people. Like that Asian girl and this guy in the cafe. They just had a conversation about how many pence are in a shilling and such, and it went entirely over my head. I don't know if it means she's from the future or the past or it's a parallel Earth or she's just been away for a while.

Oh ho ho!!! The inverted colours PLUS seeing the bones effects! The Dalek death ray improved over the years. I didn't realize they could do that effect before the new series.

Oooh, the Doctor is angry. He shakes his head and grumbles "Humans..." when the captain refuses to take his advice on how to deal with Daleks. Hey, two nitro nine bombs destroyed a Dalek's metal casing. That seems unlikely. Oh god, Ace and the Doctor driving reminds me of my parents. That's the one situation in which they argue and it's awful. Right here, no not right, left? You said left, no I said right!

Oooh... they're in 1963. I guess the currency changed...? Man, the Doctor is pretty down on humans right now. And Ace just pronounced "omega" as "OMega".

AAHH!!! IT'S DAVROS!!! Wowie! Ok. Anyway, the Doctor said something like "Humans - your ability for self deception is only matched by your ingenuity when trying to destroy yourselves." Seven is a severely elitist man, rolling his "r"s like that.

Ok, there we go. This Dalek just rose up in the air to get up some stairs. I guess they had to wait until the special effects could handle levitation until they put Daleks in situations with stairs.

So I've just got to the second installment of this story, and you know something? I really like the part of the theme tune that's in a major key. Hey, this Dalek is kind of white and gold in theme. Woah, and he's more emphatic than I've ever heard a Dalek, like he's really upset about it. Ok, those rolled "r"s are starting to bug me a little bit. He is so angry... I'm beginning to understand the state of mind that might have lead him to destroying his entire race. I'll have to see the movie and see what Eight is like.

A black guy!!! Look! Right there! It's a black guy, look at him! And he's... I knew it! He played Geoffrey, Will Smith's butler in Fresh Prince! Oh, that is fucking weird right there... and he's doing some kind of accent. The actor was born in the Caribbean, so maybe it's that. Oh, he did say something about cane cutting and Kingston, so that makes sense.

So... the Doctor went back in time to do... something with some casket that is voice operated and has a smoke machine inside it and HOLY CRAP IT LEVITATES. I don't know what on Earth is happening. Ok, everyone is saying "OMega". Maybe it's a British thing. Now, what's the Hand of Omega? Oh, well it was made by Omega, who I think shows up in an episode with Five that I started and never finished because I didn't know what was going on. I should go back and watch that at some point. He's a Time Lord apparently. That's an awfully small gravestone.

Now Ace is staying at a boarding house with that guy's mum. If this show were on cable there would've been some sexing by now. And hey, the Doctor just - did Ace just call that guy a homo? People keep treating her like a girl, poor Ace. Anyway, the Doctor upgraded her bat. The bat was reminding me of Earthbound enough already.

Gee, I've never seen the Doctor this irritable. He does get pretty testy when Daleks are involved and people don't understand the severity of the situation.

Oooh, it certainly is the '60s. Ace just found a sign in the window of the boarding house that said "No coloureds" (she took it down). I'm pleased with how distressed she was.

I am having some sort of phantom ad problem with Dailymotion. I start the video and a couple seconds in (about half of the time) the audio of an ad begins, but I can't see it and I can't find anything to turn off or kill. Very frustrating.

Man, these Daleks are pretty easily killed. I guess they figured they weren't that scary like that for the new series. You need to divide their atoms to kill 'em now. Although they did have the advantage of pincers. Well, actually, there are two different kinds of Dalek in this episode. Some are just kind of blobby and some have limbs and pincers and stuff. Interesting.

Ok, who the hell is this little girl with the creepy little kid music following her around?

Emperor Dalek sounds like he's having a heart attack. I mean it, he sounds like he's really pushing himself to grind out these lines and it's causing him pain.

The Doctor is acting weird. I really like Seven, kind of because I don't like him. It's hard to explain. He's funny sometimes, brilliant sometimes, but mostly just kind of this weird combination of exasperated and curious. Hey, Omega laid the groundwork for Rassilon. Dick. Hmm... I guess this Hand of Omega thing... is how the Daleks get enough time travel power for the Time War to be as deadly as it was. The Doctor wants them to get the Hand of Omega, though. I can't for the life of me think why. Ok, what is with this vaguely inspirational '80s power ballad type soundtrack? Ech.


Wow, I just realized how much I've already written for this episode. I'll give it a little break. Hee hee, the Doctor just did another magic trick. And Phil Collins seems to be on his way, judging by the music. Dude, the guy just asked Ace out in the middle of a Dalek invasion. And then... revealed himself to be a spy for the Daleks? Old Who is confusing. Hee hee hee!!! That Dalek looks chubby! That's hilarious. Jeeze, calm down, Emperor Dalek, you're gonna burst something. Get a hold of yourself.

Ok, HOW OLD IS THE DOCTOR? He just said the words "It's easy, when you have 900 years of experience", but at the end of Flesh and Stone he says he's 907 years old. I refuse to believe that there were fewer than seven years between Seven and Eleven, and that the Doctor has been rewiring electrical equipment since before he was seven. Also, Emperor Dalek looks like a mushroom.

Oh, Emperor Dalek is Davros. He looks weird. Firstly, his mouth moves when he talks now, which I'm pretty sure it didn't before, and he's covered in wires and stuff. The Doctor is really upsetting Davros. Well done, dude. I mean, Davros is pretty irritable, to be honest. He certainly gave the Daleks his manner.

Woah! Skaro just vaporized! The Hand of Omega malfunctioned and vaporized Skaro. Then it came back and destroyed the mothership, but not before Davros begged for mercy and the Doctor sneered in response. Woah, those are some weak stairs. Hmm, the Doctor just destroyed a Dalek with the same technique that made the one in Dalek (New Who) kill itself. No superiors, no inferiors, no purpose.

Ok, 136 episodes to go. I will stick to good or important ones until I know I've done all of them before I go on to ones that are neither.

"Lack of food makes me hungry, you know!"
"Ace! Give me some of the nitro nine that you're not carrying."
"Can you drive?" "Why?" "Good, I thought so."
"You can always judge a man by the quality of his enemies."
"With respect group captain, your career is magnificently irrelevant."
"Ace, you're hurt!" "I had an argument with the window."
"What did you do to it?" "I shorted it out. Daleks are such boring conversationalists."
*interrupting Davros* "... all powerful, crush the lesser races, conquer the galaxy, unimaginable power, unlimited rice pudding, etcetera, etcetera!"

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