Monday, June 14, 2010

The Keeper of Traken

And the journey continues. We're back in N-Space, Romana and K-9 are gone, now it's just the Doctor and Adric. I like Adric. He's cute. This is a little weird, though. He keeps touching him... no, not like that. I mean just on the shoulder and... ok, so I'm warped! It just seems odd that it's the Doctor and this little kid.

So. They're going to Traken, and this old guy (the Keeper of Traken) just popped into the ship in a big velvet chair. He seems nice. Traken is a place held together by people being terribly nice to each other, but the Keeper says there is great danger all of a sudden! Wow, this guy is powerful. Good thing he's on our side. He can just kind of use the TARDIS just by thinking about it. Ok, so the problem is that there are nightmoths, and some things called melkar (I think) that grow weeds and look like modern art, and die eventually because they're evil and evil things just kind of die on Traken because the atmosphere is so nice. But the Traken people feel bad for them because they die and the Traken people are so so nice.

Hey, that looks like...! Yeah! There's Nyssa, which means this is the planet where the Master takes the body of some guy because he's at the end of his regenerations. I knew that grey-haired guy was Anthony Ainley. Yay, the Master is in this episode! Oh, the guy whose body he takes is Nyssa's father. That's so sad.

It's so much more calm and intellectual than the new series. No running around. More reading. More debate.

Well, that episode was a bit uninteresting, in the end. The gross decrepit Master is really weird. I mean really quite weird. And a definite creeper, too. All that talk about bodies, he was not pleasant to watch. Anyway, that episode was only important for the rejuvenating of the Master, and now he's rejuvenated, so there you are.

"And as for your handwriting...!" "My handwriting? What about my handwriting?!" "...It's absolutely marvelous."

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