Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Pandorica Opens (SPOILERS - highlight to read)

The Daleks can't die. Listen, I know they're cool enemies, and I know everyone loves them, but they have to be destructible at some point.

Rory!!! He's here! And the music is so sweet and tender! This is ridiculous. Everyone. Everyone ever from every episode is coming back. Every enemy everywhere. It felt epic in Stolen Earth and Journey's End, now it just feels a little old hat. Sontarans, Zygons, Daleks, Cybermen, Slitheens, the star thing from Christmas, everybody. Oh for heaven's sake. So the Doctor is a rock star now? This is just silly. I'm sorry, but it's just silly. Ok, so it's a little epic. Ok, so it's epic. But it's still over the top.

Wait, so the TARDIS exploding destroys the universe? It's just a type 40 TARDIS, I'm sure they explode occasionally. I mean in the entirety of Time Lord history a TARDIS has never exploded? Ah, whatever.

Ok, so the timey-wimey stuff is pretty cool. Oh, man! So everything revolves around Amy! It's all about Amy, and that's why the crack was in her bedroom wall, and the Doctor crashed at her house when he was regenerating..

That's Torgo's theme. It's Torgo's theme! They're playing Torgo's theme! Why are they playing Torgo's theme!

Ah, and yeah, this is all a creation of Amy's memories. It went to Amy's house and took her memories and hid the Pandorica in there. Someone was trying to lure the Doctor? What do they want him for? Who wants him? Who is that voice? Is that a sound byte from an earlier episode or is that Davros? It sounds a bit like him, but then I guess all the badguys sound pretty similar.

The Romans are Autons, whatever else is happening. Oh for heaven's sake. It's the Daleks. But they're not a surprise because we already heard them and knew they were here. So there has to be somebody else. Somebody else is organizing this, having all his enemies work together, unless the enemy bit is his memories projected like Amy's are.

Lol, that was the thing from Love and Monsters.

Wait, why is this happening??? What's going on? Who is doing this? Someone has to be organizing all this. Ooh!!! They said "The Doctor is the only one who can pilot the TARDIS" but someone else was controlling it, and it was River who blew it up. And the Daleks have tried to destroy all of creation in the past, what do they care?

So... all of creation was just destroyed... what... can we do? I mean, what happens now?

Ok, so the Pandorica was created to trap the Doctor so he wouldn't destroy the universe, but the reason the universe was destroyed was because River... blew up the TARDIS? I think that's what she was doing? But then maybe it was the guy who kept saying "Silence must fall", at least it was because of him. So I think the real villain has yet to be revealed. I can't wait for next week!!!!!

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