Wednesday, June 16, 2010


So there's this part of the TARDIS where the Doctor goes to pace up and down and think, and it's pretty expansive and it's got like vines all over everything and it looks like this neat place with stone pillars and things. Really neat, we should talk about it more.

Now he's taking Adric to Earth, and we're meeting Tegan, and super fun stuff. The Doctor wants to go to Earth... to measure a police box, then take the measurements to Logopolis to... fix his chameleon circuit? Well, something like that. I am terribly confused.

Oh, look! Romana's old room! I'll take a screenshot of that (screenshot). You can see her hat! And the TARDIS has popout controls. He's thinking about the chameleon circuit because that's how the Master hid from them on Traken. Oh, I really do need to just pay attention. This may be a short, choppy entry. I like Tegan.

Lol, they just landed right next to a real police box.

Waugh!! What's that??? Some kind of white human thing!!! Weird. Anyway, he's measuring a real police box so they can... make the TARDIS look like a police box? More? Oh, for heaven's sake. I'll get back to you when I figure out what the hell is going on. There it is again!

Oh, heavens... he's created some kind of paradox. When you go into the police box he sucked into the TARDIS there's the inside of a TARDIS with a police box in it, which presumably is also a TARDIS with another TARDIS inside it, and so on and so on. Oh, you know what? The TARDIS really does have double doors. Oh, wait, you know what? That thing at the beginning... maybe that was the Master's TARDIS materializing around the police box as a police box, so now they're in the Master's TARDIS. Doesn't explain why the police box they absorbed just TARDIS'd away... AARRGGH!!!

Ok, one thing is now clear. That's definitely the Master laughing like that. Oh, never mind! I really really am going to go off until I figure out what's happened.

My, the Doctor is very angry. And he just said he and Master have the same mind. I don't know what to make of that. Now I think he's trying to drown the Master... who I think is inside the TARDIS, in his own TARDIS. Oh, for heaven's sake. I still don't get it, I don't know why I came back.

That white thing is still hanging around. Now he's beckoning in a weird way. The Doctor just said "Nothing like this has ever happened before." Oh dear.

Eugh, the Master is smiling at Nyssa all creepy... she thinks he's her father 'cause he looks like him. And he's acting all creepy, ooh! He's such a sketch! Ugh, what a creeper. The way he walks around and... leans at people. Blech, the leaning! And he makes the Doctor very uncomfortable. Woah, they are quite habitually standing quite close to each other, look. Oh, never mind me. So I'm a creeper too. But I don't... lean at people like he does. With his moustache and his velvet outfit and his leather gloves. It really is weird to see the Doctor with another Time Lord again. The chemistry really is different.

Wow, woah, Doctor! So angry! "I've never chosen my own company!" And he yells at Nyssa because she was the one who begged him to help her find his father, and Adric was a stowaway, and now he's being forced to team up with the Master to keep the whole fucking universe from collapsing. I didn't know Tom Baker could do grim and angry and desperate. And he says the Master has a brilliant mind. Ok, this episode is cool.

Wait a second, they had headphones way back then? My world view has been shattered! And there's that white thing again! What the hell is it? Oh, you know what? It just hit me for real that this is the episode in which Four dies and turns into Five. I mean, I like Five and all, but Four is still my favourite... *pout*. I'm going to go back and watch more four after this. I don't care about finishing this little Master saga, I miss Four already. Oh no! There he goes up the tower thing! Waahhhh! And the Master is laughing maniacally, he's gonna kill him - look out Doctor!!

Gee, sometimes you just want to grab this guy by the lapels and scream at him - what the hell is wrong with you?? Get a girlfriend, for fuck's sake, or a fucking stamp collection. My god, don't you have better things to be doing? That kind of thing.

Doctor, nooooo!!!! This body isn't as strong as David Tennant's, which can somehow survive jumping out of a moving spaceship and crashing through a glass ceiling before falling onto a hard stone floor. And there's that white thing again! What the... it's the Doctor...? It just went into him and he regenerated... oh for fuck's sake.

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