I'm liking this one (I started this entry about 20 minutes in). It's neat. I like Five more and more each episode, and it's shaping up to be a good one. Tegan is having some kind of weird hallucination, and the Doctor and Adric have been taken prisoner. Apparently the woman who played Nyssa wasn't feeling well or was busy or something because she's resting in the TARDIS. And there's this neat woman who looks a bit like Sarah Jane. She's a scientist and she's the only reasonable one here. I think they like scientists, the Doctor Who people.
So they're on this paradise type planet inhabited by these people called the Kinda and they're pleasant and silent (they communicate with telepathy). These other people, including the scientist, are there on a mission to evaluate the planet for colonization. The Kinda are really primitive, but only because their planet calls for no technological adaptation. The temperature is constant, there are no predators, and the trees constantly bear fruit. Other than that I'm not really sure what the plot's gonna be. Oh, except that the expedition originally had six people and three disappeared.
What the? Who are these people? They're dressed differently and they're talking. They're worried about the Kinda because of the stupid off-world people.
Lol, that was wonderful. The Doctor is in wonder at Adric's magic trick. Then he tries it and totally fails. He's so funny. He just can't understand it. Cute. He learns all he needs to know about magic by the time he's Sylvester McCoy.
Woah, that guy just did a cool '70s disco slidey dance move! And said the phrase "higglety pigglety"! And "method of implementation, fire and acid. Acid and fire." My immediate thought? "Amongst our weaponry...!"
This guy is totally insane. He's sure the plants are out to get him. He wants to burn the whole damn planet because the trees are after him. Now Adric is agreeing with him, but no one can ever know if he's bluffing or not. He seems to do it all the time. Good thing he's reasonably intelligent. Oh, he's being a hero this time instead of a nuisance!
Ok, who the hell is that guy Tegan is hallucinating? What a trip, dude. Ew, what the??? That guy just took over Tegan's body by slithering a worm from his arm into hers in the hallucination! It's... difficult to explain.
Wow, this guy is definitely bonkers. This is fucking weird, dude. But I like it. Confusing as usual, but neat! Oh, good. Saunders is crazy-nutso too. Woah, Tegan is doing a really good job being super creepy and confident.
Ah, I think this is the defining moment when the Doctor decides to learn magic tricks. Good thing, too. Saves him from the Ragnarok later on.
You know, this old woman character looks like the grandmother/sister from that one MST3k episode where the girl says "This is where the fish lives". Ok, the jester is starting to get on my nerves. Will he never stop? Does he have some sort of mental illness?
Well, this guy definitely does. Now he's making paper dolls and talking more crazy.
Well, I stopped writing during the episode and just went ahead and finished it. I'm not tiring of the watching, but I am tiring of the writing.
(Just need to say, I'm watching Black Orchid now and the Doctor was in a bathrobe and he just went into the shower and he was singing. And now he's out again and his hair isn't the slightest bit wet.)
"An apple a day keeps the, ah... no, nevermind."
"If in doubt, then fire and acid every time, don't you think?"
"Don't hurt him!" "Why not?" "...don't." "Oh, alright."
"Leave him at the mercy of the trees." "No, the trees have no mercy." "Oh yes, I forgot."
"What about Adric?" "He'll be alright, he's very resourceful."
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