Figured I check out the Third Doctor for a change. I've only seen him in the Five Doctors so far, so I'd like to really see him in action. Also I think this episode has the Brigadier in is, which is funny 'cause I just saw him old and now I'll see him young again. Let's see how this goes.
I just got the "Who's Elizabeth Shore" comment from the beginning of Battlefield when the Doctor gives Ace a fake ID. She's introduced in this episode. Also, every new Doctor is made to complain about what he looks like during their first episode. They look in the mirror and go "Oh, I'm hideous! Look at my horrible face! And this hair!" It's a bit cruel. But funny, of course. Oh, John Pertwee is being adorable. I didn't know he did that. Cuddling his shoes like that. I like recently-regenerated crazy Doctor. And oh my god. It's a wheelchair chase.
Alright, now the Doctor's been shot (I think), and he intentionally went into a kind of super-coma. I think this is probably what Romana did in Destiny of the Daleks when she had to pretend she was dead to get out of the mines. Only a real medical investigation could reveal he was alive, so Romana would probably get away with it. Somehow he thought his TARDIS key would be safe in his fist, though. Luckily it was picked up by UNIT people and not anyone more destructive.
Anyway, now it looks like aliens have invaded and taken over a doll factory. Alright. And Elizabeth Shore says the "meteorite" thing is artificial. Well, seeing as it had a plastic casing and was glowing all different colours and making computer noises, I think that's likely. And WOAH! There's a walking mannequin! Spooky.
WAAAUUUGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!! WHY????? WHY????? Ok, not that horrible, I guess. But it IS John Pertwee taking a shower, not necessarily wearing any bottoms... though it's tough to tell. WOAH! Does he have a tattoo??? Crazy! That was an... interesting scene. Ah, and he just found his Third Doctor outfit in a hospital dressing room. Nothing's changed, I guess. Heh, he just stole a car. He's like Katherine Hepburn.
Ooohhh... it wasn't the TARDIS key. I wonder where it is?
Oh, man! Looking ahead, Third Doctor episodes are massive! Like seven parts each! I think I might either skip to some short ones or check out Patrick Troughton, or go back to some nice comfortable Tom Baker. Terror of the Zygons looks good.
Ah, no, it was the TARDIS key, it just doesn't work when anyone but the Doctor uses it.
Hey, wait a minute... that's not a dog... that's just a guy making dog noises! I'm sure of it! The BBC couldn't even afford a dog? Times must have been tough indeed.
Mmm, Autons. A plastic brain falls from the sky and takes over mannequins so it can walk around and kill things. Something like that. The motivation is a bit unclear. Oh, ha, the guy who's now an Auton but nobody knows it is made of plastic so he's all shiny but it just looks like he's really sweaty.
Aaahhh... and at the end, he calls himself John Smith, I think for the first time. I suppose I'll find out when I've watched all of One and Two. Ok, so that episode was perfectly fine. Not the most exciting or engaging, but fine. Hmm... what next? I'm not tiring of this at all, you know.
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