The Doctor just said first that he perfected time/space travel, then that he was 450. Maybe he was oversimplifying. So he's got this new companion, Victoria, who happens to be from the Victorian era, who was introduced as a prisoner on Skaro or some such nonsense, so I imagine I'll understand her more when I go back and do all the Dalek episodes (skipping ones I've already seen).
Eww, more Americans. Ok, wow. That was a hilarious piece of post-production. I'll see if I can get you the sound clip. I like Pat. Oh my god... Jamie is wearing a kilt. When the hell did he take him from?
Wait, that guy just said Telos was the Cybermen's home. Holy... the one black guy is mute and SOMEONE'S SERVANT. I'm on edge. Anyway, what is the Telos place? Ok, looking it up on apparently they colonized. Lol, the Doctor took Jamie's hand by mistake. Hee hee. Oh, he took Jamie from 1746. Ok, I understand the kilt.
Yeah, the black guy still hasn't said anything. At least Victoria is sticking up for herself. Ah, Jamie sees this thing and immediately calls it a caterpillar: here.
Victoria got trapped in a Cyberman casket and Jamie has discovered a giant hypnotizing wall. And out stepped a Cyberman when they tried to figure out what it was for! What a surprise. And it killed someone. How shocking. Wait, what do you mean the building is deadly? When did the Cyberman leave? It was just sitting right there, but the guy was shot in the back... hmm... Oh, the Cyberman was just a model. The thing that shot was a big block thing. And the "caterpillar" is a "cybermat". Oh, the black guy spoke! And he spoke like... I can't describe it.
Ugh, this American is a lot less awful than the ones in the Tenth Planet, but he's pretty bad. Ah! They opened the giant coffee cup! Go Victoria! She doesn't want to be left up in the safety because she's a girl, even though the guys insist. But the Doctor does point out that someone needs to keep an eye on the creepy evil lady. Uh oh, evil lady just slipped something in Vicky's drink. And she drank it! The fool. They didn't have spiked drinks in the 1800s?
Gee, everybody's fumbling their lines. Aw, what a creep! That guy said he was trying to open the door but he was actually unmelting the tomb of the Cybermen. And look at that, they all woke up! What a shocker. And the creep just shot someone. And unmelted another tomb. Crazy lunatic. "It would be a pity to miss it"? Like getting hit by a train is an experience it would be a pity to miss? Uh oh, the cybermouse is coming alive.
Slug her, Victoria! Aw, she should have punched her out before she got the gun out. Just smash her right in the jaw and search her. Oh, that poor actor in the Cyberman outfit. That doesn't look like too big a bundle of laughs. Well, the cybermouse took care of the evil lady pretty well it seems. Good cybermouse.
Uh... the Cyberleader looks like he's got half an egg on his head. Ooh, the Cyberman voice is much much better now. Well, less stupid, anyway. And less human.
Aaannnd.... the black guy is the first to go. Hm, the Doctor was sleeping just now.
Alright, can't say I know quite what's going on exactly, since it's been several days between the last sentence and this one. I'll let you know if anything interesting happens. The Cybermen are very easily confused, it seems. D'aw, the Cybermice are kind of cute. And so's Patrick, really. Hm, that little monologue about remembering his family when he wants to. That kind of implies they're all... dead, I guess, since he's comparing himself to Vicky's, whose father is actually dead I believe. I suppose they were just a little unclear about the Time Lord mythology at this time.
Last lines"
Jamie: So that really is the end of the Cybermen?
Doctor: Yes Jamie. On the other hand, I never like to make predictions.
"Try to give us a smooth takeoff Doctor, we don't want to frighten her." "A smooth takeoff? A smooth takeoff?! What a nerve!"
"Look at him. 'Archaeologist' written all over him."
"You look lovely in that dress." "Don't you think it's a bit...?" "A bit short? Oh I shouldn't worry about that, look at Jamie's!"
"There is a distinct element of risk in what I'm asking you all to do, so if anyone wishes to leave they must do so at once. Not you, Jamie."
"Let the Doctor pass or I'll... yes, well, let the Doctor pass."
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