Aw, poor Doctor. He knows Amy’s lost Rory, but she doesn’t. He’s being so nice to her, and she doesn’t even know why. I think the whole forgetting thing is new to him. He doesn’t forget, and it’s really tragic to him when people do (like Donna, for instance). KITTY! Sorry, there was a cat. Gah! And the bit where he automatically goes “Amy, Rory…” - so sad. And Amy was crying without knowing it or knowing why. Argh! This is so great, this episode. And I have to briefly mention the bow-tie exchange with the museum guy. Bow-ties are cool. And the Doctor quite likes praise that has nothing to do with how smart he is, as it turns out.
Oh! The accent thing. In a time and place where there aren’t Scottish people, but there are Dutch people who are gonna look similar, a Scottish accent is translated by the TARDIS as a Dutch accent, apparently. I always did wonder about accents, and how it did them. And what if there are people speaking a couple different languages? Do you understand everyone and speak several different languages? Does anyone wonder why you seem to know every language?
By the way, they cast Van Gogh really quite well. Well, according to the self portrait at least. Also, for Americans, yes they do pronounce it “Goff” in Britain. Apparently it’s supposed to be pronounced like “Loch” in Scotland.
The Doctor mentions a godmother (with two heads and bad breath). I think that’s interesting. Also, I love whenever they reference his previous regenerations, i.e. when the thingamabob identifies him and shows William Hartnell, then Patrick Troughton, then is cut off before John Pertwee, Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, Christopher Eccleston, and David Tennant (done from memory, no less).
Dude, what a great episode this is. Van Gogh is a special crazy guy. Nice to see someone with a near-crippling mental illness being so awesome and useful. Not that he wasn’t awesome in real life. Though he may not have been if they’re portraying him correctly. Anyway, you know what I’d like right now? I’d like for them to take Vincent as a companion after when he’s supposed to have killed himself. I love him. He loves Amy (just as I was typing that he actually said “I love you”). The writers are giving him some great lines (this episode is really funny, by the way), and I’m always sad to see cool people not come along. And they’d have Vincent Van Gogh as a companion! How cool would that be! Ok, I have to stop putting in quotes that aren’t absolutely fantastic, there are too many awesome ones. Right. I need to stop until later in the episode so I don’t overflow this post.
Alright, not a quote, but the noise the Doctor made when Vincent said “I think he rather enjoyed it” - priceless.
Anyway, significant is the moment when he says he getting old. And that sometimes winning is no fun at all. Man, there’s just too much in this episode. Who wrote this? They need to write more!
Wow. Just wow. I don’t think they’ve ever taken anyone from their past into their future like that. Oh, this is just indulgence on the part of the writer, but I love it. You always wish you could show artists how popular they became after they died. Argh, and Amy says she not the marrying kind… I think that shows just how special Rory was to her.
I don’t know how I feel about this music, though.
(By the way, they could still visit him before he died, you know. They’re constantly in a future where people from the past have died, but they can still go back and see them.)
Oh god… they give a support line number at the end of the episode. That was incredibly intense.
“Or, on the other hand, slightly more compassionately, yes?”
“Your hair is orange.” “Yes. So is yours.” “Yes. It was more orange, but now is of course, less.”
“Maybe you’ve had enough coffee now.”
“I’ll be back before you can say ‘where’s he got to now’… NOT THAT FAST!!! But pretty fast…”
“Is this how time normally passes?! Really slowly… in the right order…”
“But you’re not armed!” “I am! With overconfidence, this, and a small screwdriver. I’m absolutely sorted.”
“Return, and we will have children by the dozens!” “Uh, aaaiieee...”
The writer, by the way, was Richard Curtis. The genius behind Blackadder, Four Weddings and a Funeral, Love Actually, etc etc etc. He totally needs to write for Doctor Who more, I thought the episode was superb. I just loved it, partly because it was really well done, partly because I'm an art geek, partly because I think Bill Nighy is absolutely incredible.