Monday, July 12, 2010


Ah, the one where Adric dies. I'm starting the post a bit in, second episode I think. Did that Cyberman just call that other Cyberman "Linda"? They're exaggerating the antagonism between Adric and the Doctor because they know he's gonna die. He wants to go home - to E-space. Not possible, clearly, but Adric thinks it ought to be. The Doctor doesn't agree.

Ooh, the Cybermen are doing a little recap of the Doctor's interaction with them. Clips from the three old Cyberman episodes I ended up watching in research! Cool.

Aw, the Doctor is making up with Adric. Up. Awww..... they're so cute! Oh, Adric doesn't really want to go home. He just said it and calculated a route to make a point. They're so cute!! They just want to confuse your opinions of Adric, don't they? So you don't know what to think when he goes. Also, I have recently learned that Adric isn't the only companion who died. I'm not sure about the others but I'm pretty sure there are others. Oh no! Adric is coming out of the TARDIS to explore with the Doctor! At least the Doctor knows he's there for once. But Adric is the one sneaking about being cautious while the Doctor strides boldly around corners and says things like "I want to announce my PRESENCE!!"

Meehhhh, Adric is so nervous, he knows something's going to go wrong. Gah, I don't know if I'll be able to handle it! Well, ok. I will. But still! Oh, cool. Adric really does have mathematical excellence. He just took the square root of 3.somethingsomething in his head!

Hm, the Cybermen are much more expressive than I've ever seen them. They lean around and use a bit of body language, interact with each other. They're much more like people.

Oh yes, the obligatory "what use are emotions" conversation necessary in every Cyberman episode.

Oh, Adric! He didn't get the chance to see if his way to keep the ship from crashing was right because a Cyberman blasted the console and then he crashed into Earth and blew up and died!!! Oh, jesus... no sound over the end credits and just a picture of Adric's broken badge for mathematical excellence. Wow. Oh, Adric...

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