Ok, going back a bit. Adric's back to life, nobody's heard of Turlough, we've just left the Kinda and Tegan has just remembered what happened when the snake thing took over her mind. And now she's trying to leave. Why is she leaving? What? I mean, I know she decides to leave, but why? She's looking forward to just assimilating back into English air stewardess culture. They've landed at Heathrow 300 years early and the Doctor doesn't seem too bothered, nor does he understand why she would be. Heh, the others are forcing him to act like he has emotions.
Aha! There goes action!Doctor again! Oh, for fuck's sake Adric. There's nothing on the ground, how could you possibly trip? Did that guy just suggest their pursuers might "cuddle them to death"? I swear that's what I heard. Lol, Mr. Community Theatre here goes "I was once a thespian". No, really?
Woah, the celery just sticks to his jacket! It's not pinned or anything! He just took it off to check it then slapped it right back on there! That celery might be the most interesting part of Five.
What the bloody hell was that guy's accent just then??? American back-woods yokel? My god.
Alright, I stopped writing about halfway through, but for posterity I'll post this anyway.
Adric: Though I must admit, I'm not entirely convinced [Tegan] likes me.
Doctor: Now, don't jump to conclusions Adric. Sometimes we... humanoids try to disguise our... our true feelings. (...?)
Nyssa: Is it sensible to go on?
Doctor: Probably not.
Mr Community Theatre: What should we say if they open the door?
Adric: ...'hello'?
Fish thing: You're being a very stupid woman.
Tegan: That isn't a very original observation.
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