Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The God Complex (SPOILERS highlight to read)

We've done worst fears before, with the Keller machine. The Doctor's was fire then, and honestly I think it could be fire now as well (Time War, Gallifrey burning, etc.). But probably they won't show us what it is. I wonder what Amy's and Rory's will be though? So far I am loving this episode. Very cool, very well done. Oooh, nice visual, running down the same hallway again and again. Uh oh, Doctor, you've separated yourself. I like meeting new species just casually. I like the nurse woman, too. Except I'm fairly certain she's going to die. She's so cool and the Doctor wants her as a companion, so she's got to die.

Dude, the Doctor just told that alien guy. "Cowardice isn't quaint, it's sly." Awesome. Wait, the Minotaur is "him"? He's doing this? What? Is he intelligent or is he doing this on instinct? Instinct, then. "You have lived so long even your name is lost. You want this to stop."

Uh oh, Amy looked in her room. She's gonna start being possessed now. At least Rory will keep her from running off to the thing.

Rory did just say that in the past tense. What was left to be scared of? Why? Why past tense? It's not the Doctor dying, is it? Why did he say that in the past tense? Either he didn't mean to or he's protecting the Doctor by not letting him know they've seen his death. Woah!!! Nurse lady! When did she see her room? It wasn't the clown was it?

THE DOCTOR'S ROOM! Oooooohhhhhh, it's number 11. WHAT??? "WHO ELSE"???? So it's a person in there. It's a person he saw. There's a person in his room. It's either him or... who else could it be. The Master, or... what is the Doctor scared of? (I knew Rita would die.) Now what is the Doctor scared of? I think the biggest chance is that it's himself. But I hope it's someone else. Well, wait. He has moments of hating himself, but is he actually scared of himself? Who is... woah. Doctor angry. Doctor smash. Oh no what? Shit. More things about faith, more stuff about faith, and another person who's faith is in the Doctor. Please, do what you did to Ace. Break her faith in you, do it again. I want to see it, Doctor. Do it. It's a prison for people with faith.

What did Amy see? Well, wait. What if she loses her faith in the Doctor now? Because he's not exactly succeeded in saving her so far, so maybe she'll lose her faith in him. Woah, what? Who's room is this? Who's room is little Amelia Pond? He's doing it again. Wait, not quite. Oh, yeah he is. Not as harshly as he did to Ace, though. Oh, wait, that was Amy's room. They showed the number so we knew. It's young Amelia. She's scared of young Amelia? Oh, no, it's not your greatest fear, it's what makes you fall back completely on your faith. Which for her was knowing the Doctor would come to save her, so seeing young Amelia waiting made her think of the Doctor coming to save her. Woah, wait. What? It's Tron all of a sudden? Ooooh, that was the Doctor's room, we saw the "Do not disturb" sign fall. NIMON!!! OOOH! YES!!! OF COURSE! LANDS AND CONVINCES PEOPLE IT'S A GOD. Oh, what makes the Doctor believe? What do Time Lords pray to?

Now it really is talking about the Doctor. Drenched in the blood of the innocent, drifting through a maze, there you go Doctor. Death would be a gift, there you go, he was talking about you. I knew it this time. Doctor, you've only lost one companion. Ruined far more, but you've already ruined Amy, what are you scared of? The Doctor is realizing that he kills people. But he doesn't kill companions. Maybe he's worried because he doesn't know about TV tropes. Wait, is that really the end of Amy and Beaky? Well, it can't be the very very end because they're still River's parents. James Cordon is not going to be the new companion. No. I love the guy, really I do, but he's not going to be the new companion.

"I have to see what it is. I'm sorry, I just... I have to see."
"Not today. No one else dies today."
"Somebody hit me! ...Was it Amy?"

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