Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Christmas Carol

Ok, this is a post-entry. The Christmas special was really incredible. So epic. The Christmas Carol reference was only slightly crowbarred in, there were swimming fish, and the Doctor married Marilyn Monroe. Actually there was quite a few moments involving the Doctor and romance, or his total ineptitude at romance. The best quote on that front was when the guy (as a young man) was asking the Doctor for advice when he knew the woman was about to kiss him and the Doctor goes "It's either this or staying in your room and inventing a new kind of screwdriver, don't make my mistakes." Hilarious. And he, again, doesn't understand how people can make out and not suffocate. Maybe Time Lords use their respiratory bypass when they make out. I want more about the Doctor's love life. 'Cause I don't believe that his first kiss was Rose at over 1,000 years old. Anyway, it was lovely and very exciting and just awesome. Oh, how I loved it.

Also, I've ordered the 10th Doctor's sonic screwdriver off Amazon and I'm making a knit K-9!

EDIT: I somehow managed to exclude my very favourite quote from this episode, possibly from the whole series.

"Do you know, in 900 years of time and space I've never met anyone who wasn't important before." - The Doctor

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Mutants

Mist. A panting man.
Scottish people are shouting.
His back is lumpy.

It's a haiku! That guy just did one hell of a line-read. I think that other guy just said "mutt found dead" but it sounded like "mutt farm dead". I find that amusing.

Look, the Doctor is using a normal screwdriver. How does he know all this stuff just from looking at stuff? He doesn't even stop to think. And I thought Jo was hungry? Why does she just go jaunting off to some unknown destination to deliver what the Doctor is pretty sure is some kind of container to someone who they don't know who it is?

Um, what? They always make the establishment of the alien society very confusing. Ok, you guys clearly aren't the ones being received as guests, you materialized in a broom cupboard. HOLY GOD, THAT'S.... THAT'S.... I don't know who that is. He looks a LOT like someone, I just can't remember who...

Yeesh, that guy is back. It might be his accent, but honestly he's having trouble getting those lines out. Uh... no, really, what's going on?

The Time Lords seem to regard the Doctor as a pretty reliable agent, considering WOAH THAT GUY'S BEEN IN ANOTHER EPISODE... WHO WAS HE... I RECOGNIZE HIM... I'mma look it up. Ok, it's Geoffrey Palmer, and he was in Voyage of the Damned, apparently! As well as Doctor Who and the Silurians. Also, apparently there are a number of reused actors in this serial. I dunno, he seems familiar from a different serial.

This Faron guy sure is an actor, you betcha. And he's turning into a mutant! Oh no! He's being called to the place of darkness and light that I thought was Jo being influenced by hallucinogenic gasses. Oh no! The grenades went off! Stubbs! LIVE DAMN YOU! Dude, Dailymotion has taken a renewed liking to me. The ads have slowed to a trickle and nearly every part starts right away without moaning about stream errors.

That was an oddly muddled exchange for a TV show. GASP! It's... a... bald guy. Oh, he's the Earth guy who came to learn about the culture and can probably read the strange markings on the thing that was in the container.

The Doctor is so great. He's like Sherlock Holmes, he has to know the answer even if it endangers his life. Actually knowing this answer will probably be practically useful. Guys are always touching Jo, it's upsetting. Hey! I came up with the seasons thing! I thought of that! That's the answer! I thought it was probably seasons, because Spring is just now turning to Summer as we recently learned. One of the tablets indicated radiation... Ok, I have no idea what they're talking about. Whatever.

Uh, ok, so the Doctor took some... thing, a rock or something out of a statue thing in the place of light and darkness and now he's bringing it back. Ok, Faron is crazy and very annoying.

Ok, so in the end the mutants were a halfway form that needed the special crystal thing to become rainbowy ascended beings that can move through walls and do anything. Neat.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Sea Devils

Starting this entry quite a ways into the episode, but I just had to comment on the always delightful chemistry between Jon Pertwee and Roger Delgado. Delgado represents, in my opinion, who the Master is supposed to be, and his relationship with the Doctor is what their relationship is supposed to be. His weapon is people - he hypnotises or simply manipulates people and tries to take over the world from behind the scenes, or by being incredibly clever and building things (like the Keller machine). He's sinister and official, an "executive villain" as I've called him before, he likes disguises but not as much as the Ainley Master does. He likes trying to get the Doctor to help him because he knows the Doctor is clever, and seems to quickly forget that the Doctor might have any reason to sabotage him. I think they're at their best when they're working together, like in the Claws of Axos or in this episode when they're building the... thing that they're building. He's almost always one step ahead, very smug, very sure of himself, and probably wishes the Doctor would agree to be his partner in crime. But barring that, he seems genuinely willing to kill him if it became convenient. He's only as camp as the rest of the show (the Doctor does Venusian aikido in almost every episode) and he looks ridiculous when doing any kind of vaguely physical activity beyond standing and walking.

Also, what the fuck are the Silurians wearing? They've got, like, mesh medical gowns with belts on. They'd look ridiculous even if they're heads weren't twice as tall as the head of something otherwise proportioned like a human should be. You have to feel bad for the Silurians, though, they just want they're planet back. Why they waited several million years after going into hibernation to try coming back to the surface is a mystery, but the fact remains they have no place to live.

Jo should really consider an alternative means of carrying her possessions. A purse just isn't practical in the situations she finds herself in.

Also, JESUS what is the sound editor/composer's obsession with horrible sounds?! 90% of the non-dialogue noise in old episodes is horrible squealing or trumpeting or screeching or feedback sounds or bizarre digital chirping. It's nigh on unbearable. And the Master just realized the Doctor may have sabotaged his little project. "What happened? What could possibly have gone wrong?" Oh, they do touch each other quite a lot, don't they? Did he just refer to what just happened as "teething problems"? What does that mean? You know, the Master is pretty reluctant to kill the Doctor actually. The Silurians just asked if they should kill the Doctor now and the Master's "No" sounded a bit too quick. But maybe that's just me. Man, it would suck to be an extra dressed up in one of those big rubber alien getups.

Gah! Don't point that tank at me!

Whee, jetskiing in England! Looks cold and miserable.

Doctor: Before I reactivated it, I reversed the polarity of the neutron flow.
Master: You did what?!

Wow, the Doctor didn't really want to help? What an incredible surprise! I think I'm going to have a heart attack and die from that surprise. Um, wow, the Master does seem to be actually having a heart(s) attack. Did I miss something? Is he okay? Was it the shock? Does he need a blanket? Aw, poor guy. Dun dun dun!!! At some point the Master switched with some guy he'd hypnotized. Poor guy.


I have now watched 141 episodes plus the TV movie, played the Adventure Games at least two times each, and knit a 12' scarf.